Death Is Not About You

Your life now Is about you. You ought to have lived life to the fullest and found your purpose. You ought to have ticked all your items on your bucket list and made peace with yourself and those around you.

Once you die, the burden (or the lightness) of your death will be the lode on your loved ones’ backs.

A grand uncle just passed and so two of his three children flew in to see him laid to rest. When he died at 3 in the morning, his caregiver contacted my 70-year-old mother since no one else could be reached at that time (of course). Mother had to wake up a young cousin to help her take care of the body – contact the company where they purchased the memorial plan and arrange for the pick up, etcetera. His daughter arrived two mornings later and she went straight to the flower depot to purchase some decor for his display. Food and drinks for the visitors were top concerns. Photos for the montage were also prepared, to show to relatives and friends.

To go through the mourning traditions in the Philippines is quite lengthy (and worthy of its own post), which just goes to show how much responsibility the family of the deceased has to carry, so soon after the death. They don’t have time to grieve.

So how could You ease that? Your death will be emotionally, physically, and financially (on most times) painful to others. When should you start thinking of them?

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