Yes, a Death Coach.

Till high school, I’ve always shared, quite gratefully, how I’ve never experienced any deaths in the family. Both sets of grandparents, immediate family,  and all aunts and cousins and uncles I know were alive and healthy.

Now, 27 years later, situation has very much changed, of course, the one nearest to heart has been my dad’s death in 2011 (I’d write about that one day). Thing is, since then, death has always come to mind. Not quite life, but more how death affects it, without us realizing. And realizations made too late, once life is gone, are useless, especially for the one who left.

I also know someone who has a special relationship with the Spirit World – a person who can see or talk with those on the other side. I’ve always been fascinated with the existence of such a gift (yes, I want to call it that) since it’s so ridiculous (I’d write more about that one day, too). And so I always ask about people who have died, where they are now, etcetera, and I would receive stories on tips from dead people on life and living. Not your ordinary conversation, right? But soo enlightening.

So a few days ago, it struck me – the possibility and the logic of starting (another) new path. I could be a Death Coach. If someone would hire me, that is. And I could help him/ her prepare for the grand exit because, hey, there would be no encore. To compare with a person in a coma, the loved ones are the most affected. They are the ones who have the memories and who feel your absence (inspired by Ted Danson in CSI Cyber).

I have much to think about. I’m sure, in this society, there are those, like me, who think about dying and leaving family often.




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